Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The real truth about women in the church

I just got done reading an article called "3 Things Christians Get Wrong About Women Leaders". It starts by giving an analogy of a person who is drowning not caring about the gender or race of the person who rescued them. Then it goes on to use that as a springboard to say why a woman can be a leader (as in, straight-up pastor, or "apostle" or other major leadership position) in a church.

First of all, you're comparing oranges with apples here. Anyone can present the gospel to anyone - a woman to a man, a black person to a white person, and whatever combo you please. A half-Chinese, half-Native-American woman to a Hispanic male works too. The Bible is explicit in its instructions to share the gospel with everyone - for no one to discriminate about who hears. The sinners who are hearing may not be as graceful, but that's kind of their issue. God wants women to use the talents and abilities He gave them for His glory, it's true.

But it is impossible for them to glorify Him in an official pastoral capacity when it comes to a church. It turns out that God likes to make pictures with His people. In marriage, a wife is subject to her husband because God wants marriages to paint a picture of Christ's relationship with the Church (you know, His bride?) The church hierarchy is painting another aspect of the same picture - Christ as a Shepherd with His sheep. And despite what feminists and other religions want you to think, God always portrays Himself as a masculine person in these pictures.

Theologians, ministers, preachers... Women can do all of these things, it's true. And to some extent, God wants them to do so. He wants everyone to study His word and learn His truth. He wants everyone to use their talents to minister to others in need. He wants everyone to preach His word and spread the gospel. But He is explicit in the Bible: "The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer [or pastor or elder, etc] must be above reproach, the husband of one wife..." (1 Timothy 3:1-2) Women cannot be the "husband of one wife". The passage continues to describe an elder as someone who must do well as the head of his household, which is a position the Bible preserves for men - on purpose.


  1. Great post and on point too. It doesn't matter who speaks the word of God.

  2. Great post and on point too. It doesn't matter who speaks the word of God.
